Andesine-labradorite first appeared in 2003, which makes it a relatively new gemstone. It is typically found in reddish orange colors, along with traces of green and yellow. What makes it different than most other gemstones is its faint metallic schiller or luster known as labradorescence. Iridescence allows andesine-labradorite to exhibit various ranges of color depending on the viewing angle. It is still relatively unknown to most people. first in this lot is a Round cut gem measuring 8.15x5.78mm with a weight of 2.0CT in the orange color. The next gem is in an oval cut measuring 8.17x6.19x4.88mm for a weight of 1.5CT in the golden color. The next gems are three is the emerald cut the two red ones measure,8.82x5.13x4.43mm, and 5.96x4.00x2.82mm. The third stone is a more pale color and measures 7.97x5.91x3.96mm. These gems have a total weight of 4.0CT. The last gem is in a oval cut and is of the red color with a greenish hint. This gem measures 7.06x9.14x3.91mm for a weight of 2.0CT. The total weight for this lot is 9.5CT.