For your consideration is a Vintage Plains Indian Starburst Beaded Barred Turkey Feather Headdress, 1960s. Resembling actual warbonnets worn by Plains Indians between the late 1800s and the early 1900s, the bonnet has over 30 barred turkey feathers sewn onto a heavy hide feather fluff-covered skull cap, loom sewn seed bead brow band with matching sun image seed bead rosettes with colours of white, blue, yellow, orange and red. Leather thong wraps. Warbonnets (or war bonnets) are more commonly known as the intricate Native American feathered headdresses that have appeared throughout pop culture. Warbonnets are no doubt one of the most popular Native American icons from American Indian history. Used by various Plains Indian Tribes, the most well known were the Sioux, Crow, Blackfeet and Cheyenne. Native warbonnets often appear in historic photography as being reserved for formal occasions. The beading, along with the barred turkey feathers, add to the rich and vibrant look of the head dress. Headdress is in overall good condition. The skull cap has a 23" circumference and the length of the headdress is 20".*