Offered in this lot is a collection of four Navajo watchbands, two with watches. The first watch has a bear fetish and "Nadia" on the face of the watch. The cuff of the watch has two small jet cabochons in sawtooth holdings with leaves. The cuff is attached to a metal stretch band. The next watch and band is a Belforte watch with cuffs and a "Scissor" stretch band. The cuffs have a small red coral stone and three small turquoise stones on each cuff. The stones are held in sawtooth frames with a silver dot and stamps on the edge. The cuffs are 1 1/4" long and 7/16" wide. The "scissor" band is 2 1/2" (un-stretched). The next two bands have no watches. The first band has cuffs with jet cabochons, two on each cuff, and silver scrolls. The cuffs are 2 1/2" long and 1" at the widest point. The stretch band is 3" long (un-stretched). The last band has cuffs with three squares of turquoise on each cuff. The cuffs measure 2 1/2" long and 1" at the widest spot. The stretch part of the band is 3 1/4" (un-stretched). The working condition of the watches is unknown. The bands and cuff are in good condition.