This lot includes an Antique Custom made Mahogany Finish Wall-Mount Gentleman's Valet, circa early 19th Century. Clothes valet, also called men's valet, valet stand and suit stand, is an item of furniture on which clothes, particularly men's suits, may be hung. Typical features of valets include trouser hangers, jacket hangers, shoe bars, and can also include a tray organizer for miscellaneous, day-to-day objects like wallets and keys. This wall-mounted valet has a mahogany finish, a large painted heavy duty Victorian style iron harness hook, two large shirt "shelves" and two smaller shoe "shelves". The valet is in good overall condition, some finish has worn off. Rich dark patina noted throughout. Scuffing and scratches noted, no other obvious marring noted. 19"W x 48.5"L x 9.5"D