Winchester Model 1902 single shot “boys’ rifle.” This is a very early example. Since these were not serial numbered, it is difficult to date them accurately. However, Winchester began placing firing proof
marks on .22 caliber rifles in 1908. Only those rifles made prior to 1908 have no firing proof. This is
such an example. Also, since Winchester embossed hard rubber butt plates were introduced in 1906
(which this rifle has) it can be determined that this fine M-1902 was made between 1906-1908. As all early Model 1902s it is chambered for the .22 Short and .22 Long Rim Fire cartridges. The M-1902 was one of the higher quality single shot .22s made for the kids’ market- typically boys, but girls too. As such they were made light (3 lbs) and short in overall length. Sights were simple open variety and for safety sake, the rifle would not fire until a cartridge was placed in the chamber and the bolt knob manually pulled back. The fancy trigger guard on this model was similar to those on muzzle loading rifles and added a nice visual flair the rifle. Any boy or girl receiving such a rifle as a birthday or
Christmas gift was sure to be delighted! Most Model 1902s found today show signs of being “loved to death” by their original owners. Often stocks and butt plates are cracked and the metal is often pitted. This is a fine example with an excellent stock and butt plate. The barrel shows good aged blue on the original and correct 18” barrel and the action functions properly. As is typical, the bore is less than perfect- a product of the corrosive inexpensive rim fire ammunition of the time. Still, the bore retains good rifling. The sights are original and all early markings are sharp and clear. A fine example from a time in American history when boys were encouraged to handle firearms safely at an early age! This rifle weighs 2lbs 14oz. Serial Number: NA. This firearm qualifies as a Curio & Relic firearm, and requires FFL Transfer or NICS Background Check.