The lot features a 19th-century Crow Apsáalooke (Apsaalooke) polychrome painted parfleche headdress war bonnet case. The piece shows classic parfleche rawhide with thick Buffalo / Bison hide showing classic Crow geometric patterns in colors of red, yellow, green, and outlines in blue. The base and lid have a fancy cut scalloped or serrated design. The bag has the original ties and fringes done in Indian hide and overall the piece displays beautifully for its early Indian Wars era age. The body without any fringes measures 14-inches long by 5-inches wide, with fringes and tie is 34-incehs long. Provenance: From a prominent Bozeman, Montana collection who acquired the collection from renowned auction houses such as Sothebys, Skinner, Bonhams, Hindman, Morphys, March in Montana, North American Auction, and more.