For your consideration are these Collection of Railroad Watch FOB's and Cuff Pin. The First Watch FOB is a Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen it has a tag that states, " 1/10th rolled Gold Plate Edge Warranted I. & R. Co. The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen was a labor organization for railroad employees founded in 1883. Originally called the Brotherhood of Railroad Brakemen, its purpose was to negotiate contracts with railroad management and to provide insurance for members. The second watch FOB is a BFOFL crested watch FOB that shows a red B a large blue F with a floating brass OF in its center and a white L underneath. This watch FOB shows a railroad etching. The third piece in this lot shows a BBRR railroad cuff from the Buckingham Branch Railroad. This has gilded black with OFBBRR engraved centered on this round cuff. The measurements of these FOB's and cuffs range from 1 3/4" x 1" to 3/4" diameter cuff. Railroad Brotherhood Rolled Gold BBRR