In this lot is a collection of rare and unique chevron trade beads. The first bead appears to have seven layers. The bead looks to have black, white, black, white, red, white, and blue layers. This large bead measures 7/8" X 1". The next two beads are six layer beads measuring 11/4" long by 5/8" and 7/8" wide. Next are 3 seven layer beads. These three small beads are from 3/8" to 1/4" long by 3/8" wide. The last three beads are four layered with very thick center canes. The first is 7/8" X 5/8"; the second bead is 1" X 1/2" and the last is 1/2" X 1/4" with a red cane. Chevrons beads are made by a multi-part process. They start with the making of the cane, then another color glass is added, and then this is usually put into a 12 point star mold. This process is repeated for each additional layer on the bead. Chevron beads, also called "Rosetta" and "Star" beads, have been made in Venice since the late 1400's. Chevron beads have been traded throughout the world. These beads are in fair to good condition.