For your consideration is this beautiful genuine stamped leather quiver and Bear MGC knife circa 1990-2000s. This quiver shows wonderfully and professionally crafted genuine stamped leather featuring a large front pocket and knife sheath for the Bear MGC tine handle knife. The leather is intricately stamped with Southwest style designs and patterns throughout the entire quiver. It is stamped on the back with the letter "C" in the center of an arrowhead. Stamp could not be identified. Attached to the back is a large shoulder strap with a metal buckle. Adorning the top edge around the opening is a light colored fur of some sorts. The knife fits perfect in the sheath and the front pocket is large enough for fitting various items in it. Both are set with metal snap buttons to secure the pouch flap and sheath. The hook knife shows a tine handle and full tang blade and reads, "Bear MGC". Bear MGC started in 1991 when Ken Griffey and two partners bought the Parker Edwards knife facility, a sister plant to W. R. Case & Sons in Jacksonville, Alabama, to create Bear MGC Cutlery, now known as Bear & Son Cutlery. The quiver and knife show good condition overall with little wear present and no signs of major damage noted. The knife measures 7 7/8" L x 1 1/4" W, while the quiver measures 20 3/4" L x 7 3/8" W x 4 1/4" D. It weighs 3 pounds and 6 ounces.