Featured in this lot is this The Franklin Library fictional books circa 1976 to 1980. There are a total of 16 books in this collection. The titles of this book collection includes the follows: "Sons Come and Go Mother's Hang In Forever" by William Saroyan - "Full Disclosure" by William Safire - "Whistle" by James Jones - "A Distant Mirror" Barbara W. Tuchman - "The Honourable Schoolboy" by John Le Carre - "The Unmade Bed" by Francoise Sagan - "The Withrop Covenant" Louis Auchincloss - "A God Against the Gods" by Allen Drury - "Slapstick" by Kurt Vonnegut - "An American Prophet" by Gerald Green - "An American Prophet" by Gerald Green - "Proteus" by Morris West - "The Bold and Magnificent Dream" by Bruce Catton - "The Destinies of Darcy Dancer Gentileman" by J.P Donleavy - "The Walnut Door" by John Hersey - "Black Night, White Snow" by Harrison E. Salisbury - "History" by Elsa Morante. The condition of this collection of Franklin Library books is well preserved with some dust to the covers but otherwise shows a well preserved condition. The measurements of this collection of books ranges from 8 1/4" x 6 3/4" to 9 1/2" x 6 3/4". The collective weight of the collection of books is 36lb 6oz.