This is an original collotype photograph marked, “Throwing Rangers To The Round-up Big Dry North Montana” and “Copyright L.A. Huffman, Miles City”, from the ex-collection of the C.M. Russell Museum Great Falls, Montana and the John Kleinschmidt Photography Collection. The image shows a number of cattle on the rolling Montana plains and is marked along the bottom. Laton Anton Huffman (1854–1931) is one of the most renowned American photographers of the West. He operated out of Fort Keogh and then later Miles, Montana, and is best known for his photographs of ranching and Native American life in Montana in the late 19th century and early 20th century. The condition of this L.A. Huffman collotype is well preserved with no obvious signs of damage to the collotype and shows very slight wear tot he frame. The measurements of this collotype 21 5/8" x 11 5/8" and the visible collotype measures 19 1/2" x 9 5/8". The collective weight of this collotype is 2lb 4oz. Provenance: From the John Kleinschmidt collection which was on loan to the C.M. Russell Museum from 1987 to 1993 and included in the "The Cowboy West: 100 Years of Photography 1992-1993 exhibit.