Featured in this lot we have a full size Native American Indian cigar store Indian / trading post mannequin originating from the 1930's. The head is constructed from ceramic and has glass eyes as well as real black braided hair. The mannequin features a red headband with five feathers stuck in the headband. The Indian is dressed in a pair of blue jeans with a denim jacket over a blue button up shirt. The mannequin shows a beaded necklace showing geometric designs with beads of green, blue, orange, red, yellow, black, and white beads. The chair is constructed from oak and shows a lovely patina. These mannequins were very popular in the early 1900’s being very similar to the cigar store Indians. These mannequins were used to advertise a stores distribution of tobacco products. The mannequin measures 59" tall by 18 1/2" wide and 37" deep.