This is a beautiful 19th-century Ojibwa Midewiwin Society whirling log parfleche drum painted rattle with beaded handle. The piece exhibits a bent wood drum with wetted and stretched parfleche rawhide that is sinew sewn and painted with various symbols such as the whirling log, Maltese cross, tipi, pipe, star, and thunderbird or eagle bird. The handle is wrapped in parfleche rawhide and covered in 1800’s glass trade seed beads with trade thread sewing and beaded Indian hide bifurcated drop. The beadwork shows colors of greasy yellow, sky padre light blue, cobalt, red white heart, Cheyenne pink, amber and more. The design has a “crazy” mutli-color pattern and banded design. There is an tag on the rattle which reads, “Midewiwin Society Chippewa / Ojibwa” and on the back “$3,500.00”. The Midewiwin or Grand Medicine Society of the Ojibwa of the Great Lakes is the society of the Mide or Shamans (medicine men). Provenance: From a historic Eastern Montana American Indian collection and museum where the piece was found to be an authentic original. Measures overall 18-inches long