This is a 19th-century Sioux warrior’s bone hairpipe breastplate from the ex-collection sale of Robert P. Jerich, Illinois Cowan’s September 2020 auction. The piece is constructed of three vertical rows of wonderfully carved bone hairpipe (hair pipe) beads which are separated using old trade harness saddle leather spacers and tied off with brass beads and further old trade saddle harness leather thongs. The piece is well kept and displays beautifully. Truly a stunning Indian Wars era to late-19th-century men’s warrior example with fantastic honest patina. Provenance: From the ex-collection / sale of Robert P. Jerich, Illinois sold in Cowan’s September 2020 sale; and a prominent Bozeman, Montana collection. Body measures 23-inches in length by 10-inches wide without ties or fringes.