For your consideration are two leather hunting / shooting bags from the early / mid 20th century. These bags were used in hunting expeditions or shooting days, holding various items such as shotgun shells and more. The first and lighter colored bag shows a full leather front flap that covers the linen cord net. It features a full leather shoulder strap for carrying as well. When the front flap is opened it reveals a leather and metal buckle which secures the linen cord net, and two other larger pouches. The furthest pouch shows two smaller slot pockets for even more storage. The second and lighter colored bag shows a 1/4 leather front flap and a canvas pouch. When the flap is opened ir reveals the linen cord net pouch opening, the canvas pouch and a large leather pouch featuring two smaller slots for extra storage. It also features a full leather shoulder strap for easy carrying. Both of the bags show good condition overall but exhibit wear such as slight seperation in some areas and cracking leather in some areas. No major signs of damage is noted. The first bag measures 13 1/4" L x 16 1/4" W x 1" D while the second measures 18 1/4" L x 16" W x 1" D. They have a collective weight of 4 pounds and 8 ounces.