This is an excellent, premium cowhide rug with beautiful brindle reddish brown coloring that fades to darker stripes and showing spots of lighter coloration at the shoulders with the primary stripes darker brown giving this hide a tri-coloration to its coat, it is sometimes described as "tiger-striped", although the brindle pattern is more subtle than that of a tiger's coat.. Brindle coloration show the streaks of color are irregular and darker than the base color of the coat, although very dark markings can be seen on a coat that is only slightly lighter. The cowhide (also referred to as cow hide, steer hide, steer hide) is a brand-new example, being professionally tanned and in pristine condition. The rug is also considered an Extra-Large (XL) to Extra-Extra-Large (XXL) size, being 7 feet 8 inches long by 6 feet 9 inches. The collective weight of this hide is 7lb 10oz.